Equipping Opportunities for Adults

Our Vision

Matthew 28:18-20 commands us to make disciples, “Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” One of the ways we strive to do that is through our Sunday school classes.

Men’s and women's Weekly Bible Study

Our Vision

We desire to sacrificially put others before ourselves, together live genuinely transparent lives which welcome loving sharpening, and use our gifts and abilities to serve and build up the Body of Christ in fruitful and creative ways.

One of our dreams for our church is that every disciple is in a meaningful small group that meets regularly. Our men’s and women's weekly Bible studies are a great way to do that.

Men's Bible Study

The Tuesday morning men’s Bible study is every Tuesday at 8:30 am in room 121.

Women's Bible Study

The Tuesday morning women’s Bible study begins at 9:00 am in the Fireside Room.